Designed for FTTH, FTTO broadband network applications. Provide the data and video service based on GPON network including QoS.
Interoperability with major OLT vendors.
Single Ethernet port.
TDOZ100 is based on ZTE high-performance xPON access chip. Our product supports three modes: GPON/EPON/P2P, complying with the GPON standard of g.984, g.983, allowing a good xPON interoperability (Huawei, ZTE, FiberHome, Alcatel-Lucent,…).
TD0Z100 achieves higher bandwidth of user traffic based on xPON technology, allowing high quality of service (QoS) for delay-sensitive voice and video communications traffic. port offering high-performance forwarding capabilities to ensure high-speed Internet and high-quality Video services.
TD0Z100 provides the perfect future-oriented ONT enables Fiber To The Home (FTTH) deployments economically. Its small form factor includes a single GigaEthernet port to fits easy & simple operations.